By God’s Grace and Mercy, He has gifted us such Beauty!
Live near the farm and want to save on shipping? Enter code LOCALPICKUP at checkout and Harriet will contact you to arrange a pickup time for your order!
Harriet Arrasmith
Arrasmith Farm Daylilies
A Mighty Fortress is our God,
a Bulwark never failing!
– Shop Daylilies –
“Consider the lilies, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you,
even Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like one of these.”
~ Matthew 6:28-29

This bundle includes the following:
– 6 Linda Daylilies
– 6 Purple Waters Daylilies
A $10 savings! Perfect for naturalizing.
Click HERE to order!
Recent Favorites
Over the years, we continually observe our lilies as we care for them. Here are several that have impressed me with certain wonderful characteristics.
Siloam Ury Winniford
Henry – 1980

What a spectacular lily! ‘She’ is very prolific, big, and the perfect red. Also great in a mass planting.
Amethyst Tears
Reed – 2010